Town of Westlock
10003-106 Street
Westlock, Alberta T7P 2K3
Phone: 780-349-4444
Toll Free: 1-866-349-4445
Fax: 780-349-4436
Town Council:
Email: Mayor Jon Kramer
Email: Councillor Abby Keyes
Email: Councillor Laura Morie
Email: Councillor Curtis Snell
Email: Councillor David Truckey
Email: Councillor Randy Wold
Town Staff:
Chief Administrative Officer: Simone Wiley
Direct Line: 780-350-2100
Director of Community Services: Gerry Murphy
Direct Line: 780-350-2115 Director of Planning & Development: Danielle Pougher
Direct Line: 780-350-2113
Director of Finance: Julia Seppola
Direct Line: 780-350-2103
Director of Operations: Robin Benoit
Phone: 780-349-3740
Acting Aquatic Centre Supervisor: Fiona Janz
Phone: 780-349-6677
Rotary Spirit Centre Supervisor: Courtney Fedrau
Phone: 780-349-6654
Municipal Clerk: Annette Boissonnault
Direct Line: 780-350-2101
Communications & Marketing Coordinator: Debbie Mottus
Phone: 780-349-4444 Extension: 118