Shopping Local in Westlock
There are over 400 businesses in Westlock; check them out in our Business Directory (available both in print and online)
We appreciate our local businesses as you have such an impact on our community. Your voice matters, and we are here to work with you to support and grow your business. The Town of Westlock honours entrepreneurs who take a risk on an idea and choose to invest in our community and create jobs for others.
We are excited to be offering a new Westlock Business Spotlight series where we showcase a local business every month.
Westlock Business Spotlight - August 2024
Health Smart Bulk & Natural Foods and Talon Sports Massage
Explore the dropdowns below to discover previously featured local businesses.
Impacts to the Local Economy
When You Support Local Business, Good Things Happen
Impacts to the Local Economy
Shopping local keeps your money in your community and promotes local development. Shopping locally helps our whole community prosper.
Supports Local Jobs
Local businesses provide many job opportunities in our community. Residents can live, work, and play while learning on-the-job business skills and valuable marketable job experience.
Better Customer Service
Local businesses can provide personalized shopping experiences and thrive on offering good customer service.
Sense of Community
Businesses contribute to the heart of their local community and provide character to their town or neighbourhood. This can also increase tourist traffic, further benefitting the community.
Call us: 780-349-4444 | |
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In-Person: 10003-106 Street, Westlock, AB |